You are here: Manage Listings > Revise Listings > Modify another agent's listing

Modifying another agent's listing

If you have the appropriate access rights, you can modify other agent or co-agent's listings.

If you are the broker, you can change  your office's listings as follows

  1. From the Admin menu, choose Office Menu.
  2. Select View/Revise Office Listings.
  3. Choose the appropriate office (if applicable). All of the office's active listings display.(If you need to access listings that are not active, drop- down the Status Options, select the appropriate status, and click Submit.)
  4. Next to the appropriate listing number, click the Revise icon to access the Revise Listing menu.

If you have the appropriate access rights, you can change the status of someone else's listing as follows

  1. From the Listings menu, choose Quick Change.
  2. Enter some criteria and click Search.
  3. Click the appropriate listing number to access the Revise Listing menu.
  4. From the Revise Listing menu, click either Listing Information or Status Information, depending on what information needs to be changed.

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